Monday, November 29, 2010

From 2:15 to 9:00 p.m.

2:15, my first student council meeting. I was very exited about it. First we talked about what we'ed do in our meeting and then we elecked people for President, Vice Preis, and secretary but I wasn't ellceted for any of them. Then we went back to class and got ready to go home. I went home with Amber on my bus. When we got to my house we found and note on the front door that said

Dear fiona & Amber

if I'm not here when you get home wait on the porch.

Mom Griffin

After my mom got home we ate a snack and went to dance class. Amber took tap but I didn't. then we both took ballet. then Amber's mom picked us up and drove me home. Then I took out my roller skates and my radio and skated outside with my ballet costume still on. Then I ate dinner and did my homework I took my big brother up to bed. My Brother and I changend into our pajamas and played with my Gerbils. We got our blankets and went downstairs to watch T.V. We watched Full house. At 9:00 it was time for bed. I read part of Ellen Tebbits and then went to sleep.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


My car, Turtles
Water, fish
Jeans, Bathrooms
Chirt's Sweter
My favorite color
Mountain Snow
Kristin's socks
Iside of a desk
The Blue angle Jets
Social Studies
The British flag

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Haunted Celler [blood dripping off letters]

By Fiona [spooky wavy letters]

It was a stormy night and Kaththerine and Fiona where in the comuity drug store. They attened for a night job there. (They cleaned it at night). Just then a man opened the door to the Shloft drug store. "Sorry sir were closed said Katherine who was very good natured. But Fiona was in a bad mood and she said, "Yeah and espellaily not at 2:00 in the morning. The man's face frowned and his teeth showed and his eyes sqented and glowed with anger. He left. "Well he's a snob" Fiona boasted. Fiona syed "Waht are we working here for?" We belong on t.v. like all those other sexy movie stars." she boasted again. She allways wore make up and weird clothing.

"Come on Kath" Mr. Shloft said something about some old scrap cloth down in the celler we can make some outfits and bikinis with it." Fiona twirled to the cealler door with Katherine. They walked down the creepy stairs. SLAM! the door shut and loked by itslef RAHAH Fiona screamed. "Don't be so loud" said Katherine with a terrified voice.

I hav'nt taken the time out to explain to you about the two girls. They are twin sisters both 16 years old. Identical indeed but very different. Fiona was allways gossiping and talking about boys over the telaphone while Katherine gossiped but far less than her twin. They have a little sister named Christine and a big brother named Sean. Their last name was Griffout.

Anyway Fiona and Katherine took out pictures from their wallets "Look pictures of us from last year." said Katherine.


"The Janator"! cried Katherine. "Were the ones on Janator duty" Fiona brusted out loudly. "It's OK." said Katherine. Lots of scary things happened to them but now my story has to end my friend.

If you want to read the rest check it out at your librey because it's the best.


America is a free contry. The contititutin

My life on The day on Makita Island

The ship set sail. I was standing on the deck with the captin. we where sailing away from Hawii. That night their was a horid storm. A bolt of lighting hit the main sail. The boat cound'nt go enywhare without that sail. Then the sails tipped over, they plulled the boat under. I quikly jumped off. I swam untill I spoted land. The next morning I woke up on a tiny Island. It was about 18 feet long. It had one pom tree. I could see nothing but ocean for miles. I could of swarn the Island was much bigger before. Then before you could say abracadabra the Island shrunk. A helacopter flew over to pick me up. The pilot said that that Island was called ghost Island. Makita is the word for ghost in Hawian. After the helacopter took off I saw The boat I had been on but it was a see through white. Then I saw the captin give of this sign. a salute. Then The boat disapered.

My Bedroom

One day I got a strage fortune cookie. It said go to your room and look in and you will be sucsesful. So I did. I stood at the door, I looked in and saw a beutiful room. The lite swith had roses painted on. The rug was blue and the walls are pinkish brown. There are two brown closets and in between is my bed withch has thouds of stuffed animals and blue sheets. On the wall behind the bed there is wall paper with strange brownish desings. On the left hand wall their is an Otogone window and a small dresser with a lamb light on it. The wall then extends out and thier is a long dreser agaist it. By the way the dressers are white with blue hadles. then the wall ends where my doll house is. On the back wall are two windows with blue curtins that are tied back. In between is a long miroror. The on the righthand wall is a brown dresser with a miror the we are going to trash as soon as my mom gets her stuff out of it. The wall comes back to me at the door. I had a sucsesfull life. P.S. I also have a white desk in between the two windows with the miror.



I am Fiona Griffin. I love horses, wolves, and snakes. My family and I live in a big house rite in front of a big woods. There are many animals were I live. Theye are, rabbits, foxes, deer, blue harrons, king fishers, bevars, ground hog, sqirrls, chipmunks, robbins, goldfinches, mice, black snakes and much more. I like to write. When I grow up I would like to work in the NAVY on an aircraft carrier. I like horsebackriding, fishing, and playing baseball.

In school I enjoy social studies the most. My homeroom teacher is Mrs. Watson. She's real nice. I also have Mr. Zilcosci in sience and Mrs. Beizer in social studies. So I'm glad that I'm here, alvie, and well.

terrible here

terrible here

Griffin Fiona Erin


Listen exciting

Listen exciting

Fiona Griffin
Candlewood Elm.
Forth Grd.