Sunday, April 29, 2012


Spring is my favorite time or sesson of the year. Its not to hot and not to cold. Spring is a time for growth and new beginings. The birds come back from the south and lay eggs. Robins begin to hop around on the fresh new grass and in the tall, green trees. New lives come into our world. Baby animals like deers, birds, foxes, bunnies, ducks and many more come. Everything turns bright green and trees start to blossom. Flowers rise from their seeds in the ground. Easter arives on April thrid. I's time to wear lighter clothes. Spring showers in April are refreshing and the rain helps the garden grow. The gardens don't have to be flowers. They can be fruits and vegetables. Vegetable gardens give good food for salads. The sun is here. It's time for a family fun! Later in spring the cherry trees bloom and make sweet pies. The graps make wine and Jelly. Spring is a Lovely, beutiful time.

The Atheletes Club

Christy and the big desison

Christy gave a wrickled letter to her mother. It said:

Dear Miss Tate,

We have the right to belive that you are quaified to become a professinal Ice-Skater. I am ofering you a job with my new ice show. You will be in compititions also. Athough you will have to become a professional. Let me know.

Walt Crookton

Oh Mom, Mom, Mom! Isn't it great. Huh, Hugh.
"Now you know you'll have to work very hard. And you will have to become a proffensinal. You'll never be an amutur again, O.K."
"I know, I know. Right now Ive got to get some rest. I have a compitition tomorowo."
Christy went upstairs. She didn't know what she was getting herself into. The next day came soon. It was the day of the rosehill Chapionship Ice Skaing compitton. Christy was competing against Kara July Jorden, Emily Starrford, February Jorden, and Cortny Ace. Cortny Ace was Christy's Rival. Once the Athlets Club was going let her in but Christy had a fitt. February Jorden was one of Christys best friends.

The people in the club are
February Jorden
July Jorden
Emily Starrford (Star-ford)
Tiffany Ladilaw (lad-i-law)
And Christy Tate.

Christy got herself ready. She was wearing a satin matalic blue skating outfit with pink and light blue sequens and at the edge of the short, blue skirt. There were faux (fake) dimonds on her sholders, chest, and right above her skirt. She put a sweter on and got into her car. Mrs. Tate got in. Christy was to excited to drive so her mother did.